Professur für Psychologie II an der SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule Fürth
Habilitation und Feststellung der universitären Lehrbefähigung für das Fach Psychologie durch die Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Post-doctoral researcher am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie II, Schwerpunkte u.a. Motivationspsychologie, Sportpsychologie, Verhaltensendokrinologie
Leiter (stellv.) eines psychologisch-diagnostischen Hormonlabors
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie II (FAU), Schwerpunkt: Einfluss von Motivation und Emotionsausdrücken auf unbewusstes Lernen
Studium der Psychologie (Diplom) an der FAU
Stipendiat der Emerging Talents Initiative (ETI, 2019) für exzellente Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen
Auszeichnung beim Lehrpreis 2019 der Fachschaftsinitiative Psychologie (FAU)
Aktuelle Drittmitteleinwerbungen
Universitätsverein Fürth e.V., 2023 (PI)
Manfred Roth Stiftung, 2023 (Co-PI)
Peter-Oberender-Stiftung, 2023 (Co-PI)
Alfred Golombek Stiftung, 2022-23 (Co-PI)
Aktuelle Medienbeiträge
Interview für Nürnberger Nachrichten für den Artikel „Fit in den Frühling – Mehr Motivation, bitte!“. (Printausgabe 23. März 2023)
Köllner, M. G. (2023). Organizational hormone effects on implicit motives. (Habilitation thesis).
Köllner, M. G., Stamm, L., Janson, K. T., & Jahnel, J. (2023, September). Motivationale Faktoren bei Sport und Bewegung. [Motivational factors in sports and physical activity]. Presentation at the Fachtag Psyche und Gesundheit im Einklang, Fürth, Germany.
Janson, K. T., & Köllner, M.G. (2023, September). Bedürfnisse und Ziele: Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Passung vs. Abweichung. [Needs and goals: Health-related effects of congruence vs. incongruence]. Presentation at the Fachtag Psyche und Gesundheit im Einklang, Fürth, Germany.
Brummer, J., Köllner, M. G., & Sudharsanan, N. (2023, September). Implizite Motive und körperliche Aktivität: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit von Beobachtungs- und Interventionsstudien [Implicit motives and physical activity: A systematic review of observation and intervention studies]. Poster presented at the Fachtag Psyche und Gesundheit im Einklang, Fürth, Germany.
Jahnel, J., Doganay, C., Hofer, H., & Köllner, M. G. (2023, September). Exercise Dependence, Trainingszeit und subjektives Wohlbefinden [Exercise dependence, duration of training, and subjective well-being]. Poster presented at the Fachtag Psyche und Gesundheit im Einklang, Fürth, Germany.
Köllner, M. G. (2023, July). Organisierende Hormoneffekte auf implizite Motive - Habilitationsvortrag. [Organizational hormone effects on implicit motives – Habilitation lecture]. Presentation at the Tag der Forschung [PHIL Researchers’ Day], Erlangen, Germany.
Janson, K. T., Köllner, M. G., Stamm, L., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2022, September). Motiv-moduliertes Lernen der Aufmerksamkeitsorientierung: Machtmotiv und Dominanzsignale. [Motive-modulated learning of attentional orienting: The need for power and dominance signals]. Presentation at the 41th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Osnabrück, Germany.
Köllner, M. G., Braun, S., Schöttner, H., Dlugash, G., Bettac, M., & Steib, S. (2022). Relationships of the ulna-to-fibula ratio to baseline and reactive steroid hormone levels: An exploratory study. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. Advance online publication.
Köllner, M. G., Pülschen, L.-S., Stamm, L., & Janson, K. T. (2022). The ulna-to-fibula ratio as a marker of organizational hormone effects on implicit motive development: A high-powered preregistered replication. Motivation Science, 8(3), 276-283. / Preprint available at: PsyArXiv.
Janson, K. T., Köllner, M. G., Khalaidovski, K., Pülschen, L.-S., Rudnaya, A., Stamm, L., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2022). Motive-modulated attentional orienting: Implicit power motive predicts attentional avoidance of signals of interpersonal dominance. Motivation Science, 8(1), 56-69.
Köllner, M.G., Braun, S., Gegenfurtner, P., Schöttner, H., Schuster, L. & Steib, S. (2021, March). Organizational hormone effects and reactions to a dominance contest: An experimental approach. Presentation at the 63rd TeaP - Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Conference of Experimental Psychologists), Ulm, Germany.
Schönbrodt, F. D., Hagemeyer, B., Brandstätter, V., Czikmantori, T., Gröpel, P., Hennecke, M., Israel, L. S. F., Janson, K. T., Kemper, N., Köllner, M. G., Kopp, P. M., Mojzisch, A., Müller-Hotop, R., Prüfer, J., Quirin, M., Scheidemann, B., Schiestel, L., Schulz-Hardt, S., Sust, L. N. N., Zygar-Hoffmann, C., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2021). Measuring implicit motives with the Picture Story Exercise (PSE): Databases of expert-coded German stories, pictures, and updated picture norms. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103(3), 392-405.
Schultheiss, O. C., Köllner, M. G., Busch, H., & Hofer, J. (2021). 'Evidence for a robust, estradiol-associated sex difference in narrative-writing fluency': Correction. Neuropsychology, 35(8), 904.
Schultheiss, O. C., & Köllner, M. G. (2021). Implicit motives. In O. P. John & R. W. Robins (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (4th ed., pp. 385-410). Guilford Press.
Schultheiss, O. C., Köllner, M. G., Busch, H., & Hofer, J. (2021). Evidence for a robust, estradiol-associated sex difference in narrative-writing fluency. Neuropsychology, 35(3), 323–333.
Steib, S., Braun, S., Gegenfurtner, P., Schöttner, H., Bettac, M., Schuster, L., Wanner, P., & Köllner, M.G. (2021, May). Affektive Reaktionen und motorisches Lernen in einer Wettkampfsituation: Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Studie [Affective reactions and motor learning in a contest situation: Preliminary results of an experimental study]. Presentation at the 53rd Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (Annual Conference of the German Society for Sport Psychology), Tübingen, Germany.
Köllner, M. G., & Bleck, K. (2020). Exploratory evidence of sex-dimorphic associations of the ulna-to-fibula ratio, a potential marker of pubertal sex steroid exposure, with the implicit need for power. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 6, 93-118.
Gabduliyanova, A., Riehlein, L., Theil, F., Steib, S., & Köllner, M. G. (2019, October). Pubertäre organisierende Hormoneffekte: Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Gesichtsmerkmalen im Profil und dem impliziten Machtmotiv? [Pubertal organizing hormone effects: Is there a relationship between facial profile features and the implicit power motive?]. Poster presented at the 39th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Heyd, C., Schultheiss, O. C., & Köllner, M. G. (2019, October). Stärke und Vorbedingungen von Motivanregungseffekten: Eine meta-analytische Bestandsaufnahme [Size and preconditions of motive arousal effects: A meta-analytic summary]. Poster presented at the 39th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Janson, K. T., Köllner, M. G., Mair, L., Pülschen, L., Rudnaya, A., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2019, October). Der Anreizwert eines Gesichts: Das implizite Machtmotiv und Aufmerksamkeitsorientierung [The incentive value of a face: The implicit power motive and attentional orienting]. Presentation at the 39th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Köllner, M. G. (2019, October). Organisierende Hormoneffekte auf das motivationale Gehirn [Organizing hormone effects on the motivational brain]. Presentation at the 39th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Köllner, M. G., Janson, K. T., & Bleck, K. (2019). The social biopsychology of implicit motive development. In O. C. Schultheiss & P. H. Mehta (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Social Neuroendocrinology (pp. 568-585). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Lenz, B., Köllner, M. G., Mühle, C., Weinland, C., & Kornhuber, J. (2019). Basic human body dimensions relate to alcohol dependence and predict hospital readmission. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(2076).
Schmiedl, H., & Köllner, M. G. (2019). Book Review: The Psychologist’s Companion (6th edition). Frontiers in Psychology, 10(556).
Köllner, M. G., Janson, K. T., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2018). Commentary: Sexual dimorphism of facial width-to-height ratio in human skulls and faces: A meta-analytical approach. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9(227).
Köllner, M. G. (2018). Book review: An introduction to behavioral endocrinology (5th edition). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12(161).
Janson, K. T., Bleck, K., Fenkl, J., Riegl, L. T., Jägel, F., & Köllner, M. G. (2018). Inhibited power motivation is associated with the facial width-to-height ratio in females. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 4(1), 21-41.
Köllner, M. G., & Janson, K. T. (2017). The sociobiological development and arousal of implicit motives: The emergence of a growth-and-prune model of motive development and the continued linkage of hormones and motives throughout the life span. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 83S, 70.
Janson, K. T., Bleck, K., Fenkl, J., Riegl, L. T., Jägel, F., & Köllner, M. G. (2017). The implicit power motive and the facial width-to-height ratio as possible marker of organizational hormone effects during puberty. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 83S, 69.
Bleck, K., Fenkl, J., Jägel, F., & Köllner, M. G. (2016, October). Zusammenhänge zwischen dem impliziten Machtmotiv, Steroidhormonen und Längen der Ulna und Fibula [Relationships between the implicit power motive, steroid hormones, and length of ulna and fibula]. Poster presented at the 36th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Erlangen (Germany).
Janson, K. T., Bleck, K., Fenkl, J., Jägel, F., Riegl, L., & Köllner, M. G. (2016, October). Das implizite Machtmotiv und Marker organisationaler Hormoneffekte: Zusammenhänge mit 2D:4D und fWHR [The implicit power motive and markers of organizational hormone effects: Associations with 2D:4D and fWHR]. Presentation at the 36th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Erlangen, Germany.
Janson, K. T., Köllner, M. G., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2016, September). Organizational effects of gonadal steroids on the implicit power motive. Presentation at the 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology, Leipzig, Germany.
Köllner, M. G., Rösch, A. G., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2016, October). Die Implizit-Explizit-Profilkongruenz von Motiven: Ein studienübergreifender Test des Unabhängigkeitspostulats anhand von Bild- und Subkategorienprofilen innerhalb von Individuen [Implicit-explicit profile congruence of motives: A multi-study test of the independence postulate using within-individual picture and subcategory profiles]. Presentation at the 36th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Erlangen (Germany).
Walther, C. S., & Köllner, M. G. (2016). Kodierung impliziter Motive in audiovisuellem Material – Erstellung von Übungs- und Kalibrierungsmaterial zur Coder-Zertifizierung und Vorstellung des MovieMotiveCoders [Coding implicit motives in audiovisual material – Constructing practice and calibration materials for coder certification and presentation of the MovieMotiveCoder]. Presentation at the 36th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Erlangen, Germany.
Köllner, M. G., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2014). Meta-analytic evidence of low convergence between implicit and explicit measures of the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(826).
Schultheiss, O. C., & Köllner, M. G. (2014). Implicit motives, affect, and the development of competencies: A virtuous-circle model of motive-driven learning. In R. Pekrun & L. Linnenbrink-Garcia (Eds.), International handbook of emotions in education (pp.73-95). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Köllner, M. G. (2013, July). Skalierungseffekte von Motiven auf implizites Lernen – Beeinflussen unsere impliziten und expliziten Motive die Lernleistung? [Scaling effects of motives on implicit learning – Do our implicit and explicit motives influence learning performance?]. Poster presented at the 33rd Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Osnabrück (Germany).
Lorenz, D., Walther, C. S., & Köllner, M. G. (2013, July). Motivational standoff – Kodierung von impliziten Motiven in Videomaterial anhand von genereller Motivdichte, Motivprofilen und Clips zur Motivanregung in ausgewählten Filmen [Motivational standoff – Coding implicit motives in video material by determining overall motive density, motive profiles, and clips for arousing motives in selected movies]. Presentation at the 33rd Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Osnabrück (Germany).
Köllner, M. G., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2012, July). Implicit and explicit motive measures – a meta-analysis of their correlation and potential moderators of the relationship. Presentation at the 16th European Conference on Personality, Trieste (Italy).
Köllner, M. G., Patalakh, M., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2011, July). Korrelation von Motivkongruenz und Wohlbefinden - Eine Metaanalyse [Correlation of motive congruence and well-being – A meta-analysis]. Presentation at the 31st Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Munich (Germany).
Köllner, M. G., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2010, July). Korrelation impliziter und expliziter Motivmaße – Eine Metaanalyse [Correlation of implicit and explicit motive measures – A meta-analysis]. Presentation at the 30th Colloquium on Motivational Psychology, Mannheim (Germany).
Köllner, M. G., Schmiedl, H., Waßer, J., & Schmiedl, S. (2017). Face/Palm Measuring Tool: A stand-alone software for standardized hand and face morphometry [Software and manual]. Erlangen. Retrieved from